Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Letter To My Daughter

****This is a letter I wrote to my daughter when she turned sixteen. I thought it was appropriate & wanted to share it with you all.****

Letter to My Daughter

You’re 16 today! It’s a special day for all of us, but most especially for you. There are a few things I’d like to say.

I’m very, very proud of you, and pretty well tell the whole world, of course...I can’t wait to see the woman you are becoming, and I can see her even now as I look at you. I don’t want to lose my little girl; nevertheless I am excited at the prospects before you and the mark you will make in your life. No matter where you go or what you eventually end up doing in your life, you will ALWAYS be my little girl, and I will always be here for you.

Always hold your head up. Be straight and tall and honest and beautiful...inside and out. Be proud of the wonderful, warm, unique individual you are. Your future lies before you, bright and shining. Your past lies behind you, hopefully full of warm and happy fuzzy moments of genuine caring and sharing with those you love. The past gives us a foundation for our future...and our future is exactly what we make it.

Remember, the glass is always at least half full for those who look for it, there are more good people than bad, rainbows always come after the rain, and roses continue to bloom in the spring...every spring.

There will be dark days. There’s no question about that. But what is a portrait without shading, without depth? It is the contrasts and oftentimes the shadows that make it interesting. Our life is like a portrait.

Right now, you’re striving to take on the responsibilities of young adulthood. Those are wonderful and necessary goals. Relax, you're going to do just fine.

Just be sure to always remember the really important things. Our love for our loved ones, our integrity, our belief in ourselves and most importantly, our hope and belief in our Lord and Savior, in whom we move, live and have our being.

And of course, butterflies. And puppies. Fuzzy puppies. And kittens. The smell after the rain, the colors in the fall, the beauty of a waterfall, and the sound of crickets and frogs. Flowers, waterponds, and hot homemade rolls with butter. A big, steaming pot of gumbo. A fire in the fireplace and a big patchwork quilt...with a cup of hot cocoa.

I could go on and on, but you get the idea.

I love you more than I know how to say.

Words fail me.

Love Always and Forever,


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